Sunday 8 March 2015

First ideas for environment

1 and 2 are looking at a forest environment, which is where slime mold would usually be found. The grey tones for the forest aren't definate but they do help to highlight the slime mold, even when it is zoomed out.
3 would incorporate an extreme hill environment, which could be quite effective graphically and more in line with the style I am beginning to work towards. This type of environment would work especially well for showing distant slime molds as well as the foreground focal point. This is one of the things Phil suggested and it could be animated in flash. Distant slime molds would show the process as well.

1 comment:

  1. I like what's getting started in 3 - simple illustrative lines - nice and strong; in terms of those trees, just consider the same sort of approach as you took with the slime mold - I think you could go cleaner and simpler and more 'samey' - as if we're looking at surface pattern or an illustration: look at this as an example of what I mean:
